Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I heard it through the grapevine?

John 15: 1-17

(Please take time to read the linked passage.... it will help... also take time to comment on my facebook wall) 


Ok, I think I actually get it after 12 years of being a Christian. When God places scripture before you repeatedly He actually wants you to take time out and soak it in. Once again I've see this passage a thousand times and I have meditated on it as well. So I actually took time to observe what a Gardner does to maintain a vineyard.(yeah I know he's talking about wine ..... but get over it!) I'm a visual learner so that really helped to understand that pruning is the removal of that which is not needed and of what hinders the plant from producing more fruit for the next years crop. 


Pruning hurts!!! Let me be the first to tell you it hurts physically, and emotionally!! You don't understand why. When it happens you kick and scream and even completely abandon any effort towards the relationship that you have with Christ.  If a grapevine is like every other plant the pruning leaves. These scars will always be present on the plant, but the plant becomes stronger the day that the useless limb is removed.  We may not like what is pruned out from our lives at the time, but God knows that we are more effective and more fruitful when this process takes place.  For the Gardner pruning is a constant thing. When the season ends He takes and removes what has not produced fruit so that the vine will be more fruitful. 


I've wrestled with the seventh verse of this passage sooooo much!!!!  I remain in Him but I try to place Him on my schedule.  I shouldn't remain in Him just to get the things that I want. I should remain in Him because it brings the greatest glory to His name. But God will truly give me what I want???? It's a struggle not to run away with this verse in my mind with the temptations of American culture. We are permitted and denied physical things because it places us in the exact place that God sees fit for us to give Him the most glory.  I know for a fact that if I had the income of Donald Trump it would be very hard for me to walk as closely to the Lord. We're promised exactly what we need, but Christ did say He'll give us what we want??? do you understand my frustration?



I really think I could write a small book about trying to hash out the words of this passage.  I desire so many things but God has withheld some of them for this season in my life because I am most effective without them (but it would sure be nice)...... and as of right now He has seen fit for me to be a single, 26 year old, semester missionary, that has a part time job at a music store....... May the Lord receive the most glory!


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