Thursday, January 22, 2009

God speaks through status updates?!?!?!?

It’s been like a puzzle recently when God has spoken to me. He’s given me the pieces, not in order, but one at a time. And as soon as I process one and store it to the back of my mind another piece is given to me. They don’t fit at first but within the next couple of days the Lord will speak and the third piece will come in joining the other two that didn’t fit. This is something that the Lord has been doing in my life for months, and it has been surrounded with its fair share of doubt and continual processing …. So please feel free to comment.


You know how you have those days that you want to share a nugget of scripture but you don’t want to seem to cookie cutter, but in all honesty it is something the Lord reveled to you and so you share anyway. Via the third person phrase tool know as the “facebook status update”. [Just as a side note status updates can become addicting to read especially if you are a people watcher or just plain nosy!] So I was just being nosy day and a friend from Nashville had Psalm 32 on her status update. So curiosity got the best of me, and thus the first piece of the puzzle was given to me


Psalm 32:8-9 (New Living Translation)


“8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
      I will advise you and watch over you.
 9 Do not be like a senseless horse or mule
      that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.”


Ok, so the Lord is just reassuring me of what was driven through my skull, and body for that fact, that He is in control (see note: “no other explination”). What really stood out to me was verse nine and that the reason I was experiencing this “dry” time was because I had to be led around with a bridle in my mouth. God was showing me where He wanted me to go, but I was fitting the guidance! And as we all know that if you jerk on a chain enough times the dog will submit and follow. Think about it though… if you are walking your Dog on a leash it is only for his safety, not because you are mean, but because you care for the well being of the animal. God is walking me down this road of life and I stop and sniff a fire hydrant sometimes. If it’s not where He wants me then a little “tug” is administered to correct my path. Eventually, if the dog is smart, it will begin to walk beside its owner with no struggle on guidance whatsoever! God also used a quote posted on the status of Dwayne Morris that really closes this thought out “The most miserable people are genuine believers who continue to live life without a true, day-to-day relationship with Jesus.


So after processing all that I was listening to a sermon by Perry noble, and said something that just put death grip on my cranium was said. This quote wasn’t the focus of his sermon but it kind of was. He was telling the story of how New Spring began…. And it was all issued on a challenge by and older gentleman who asked him “what would you be willing to attempt for God if you knew you wouldn’t fail?”…. Without hesitation in my mind I answered Music! Playing, worshiping, recording, and doing anything with music to glorify The Lord….. but a 26 year old who desires to have a family one day and support a wife cant “survive” on the norm of what is musicians pay (which in some cases is non existent). Am I being real or is it me doubting the Lord? I mean my common sense tells me that a musicians pay isn’t that of even a guy miserable in a cubical somewhere! I know God has called me to be a “musicianary”[music + missionary] but I’m a drummer, I read a rhythm line! But it’s something I would try, without a shadow of a doubt, if I knew I wouldn’t fail….. That’s when the second half of what Perry said clicked this gentleman said... “You’re a fool if you don’t do it!”





So knowing who holds the Leash guiding me down the best pathway for my life why do I still fight walking right beside my master???? Why do I doubt if He has placed this passion my heart??? Will I ever be content if I sale God short by being that Guy in the cubical???  I could bring Him glory there, but is that really the “best pathway” for my life????



Ya know, it’s interesting how more pleasant a walk is when the Dog understands that the best place is beside the One leading him!